"Here we go again," Constance thought to herself.
She new right as she walked into the Highscool entrance,
her guard had to be up. In less than a second, Constance was
no longer, Constance.
She walked into homeroom and sat as far away from
the other kids as she could. Of course, the teacher would
make her move closer. The teachers had recognized her
behavior. They thought they were helping her, when
really they were not.
Constance heard Wyatt and Rebecca whispering behind her.
"Just wait until recess," Rebecca chuckled. Constance knew
what she was talking about. She would be thrown around
practically as if a dog's chew toy. Before Constance knew it,
the homeroom bell rung. As she headed to her locker, Elizabeth shoved
her into her locker.
Of course when they stroke, it was when nobody
was watching. Constance would fight back, but she knew she could not.
For her own safety and everyone else, she could not fight back.
If she did, things would never be the same.
The day flew by. Or at least, it was a blur to Constance.
It was time for recess. Time to embarrass and harass a girl that
did not deserve to be mistreated. Wyatt, Elizabeth, Rebecca and
others began to surround her. They started with making fun of her
dark clothing. Silence broke out once Mason entered. Constance had the biggest
struggle with Mason.
The truth is, he was furious because she broke his heart.
They once were the popular Highscool sweet hearts. Constance broke things
off, but he could not be told the truth. Right after the break up, Mason lied to
kids at school. Mason got everyone to gang up on her. Mason rolled up his sleeves and got close to Constance. He got so close, she could smell his pizza roll breathe from lunch.
It was a shame because he was attractive. Bright green eyes and black hair.
Constance was quite attractive as well. She use to be much more prettier
when life was amazing and good. She hadn't smiled for the longest time.
Mason got even closer to Constance. She heard his heartbeat. She sensed
his broken and angry emotion. She could also sense he was upset deep inside.
Mason, with all of his strength, threw his muscular arms towards her shoulders.
Constance was thrown back to the ground. As her back made contact with the
dirt and rocky soil, it knocked the breathe out of her. Rebecca and Elizabeth then
came over and poured there drinks on Constance's face. Drowning her where
she was fighting for a single breathe. Constance would of fought back, but she
could not. If she lost control of her temper, world war 4 would break out, literally.
Constance was saved by the bell. It was time for P.E. This was the only class that
Constance actually enjoyed. She smoked the other kids when it came to running and weight lifting. It is ironic because with the toned arms Constance had, she could do some
serious damage. Yet, she never did.
The P.E. teacher was the only teacher that ensured nobody messed with her.
Not only was he close to Constance's parents, but he did not
tolerate such behavior. He was bullied himself.
Other than that, Mr. Connor was chill.
Constance's school was loaded with big bucks. Mr. Connor had his own building for
his classes. He had a stretch room, track room, pool and even a weight lifting room.
In P.E. class, especially as a upper classmen, it was required to weight lift. There was not
a certain max, as long as you lifted something.
Constance outlifted everyone in her class.
Mr. Connor allowed students to listen to music. All the other kids were too busy
chatting to one another. Constance enjoyed her screaming music. Constance was not
aggressive, but she had to have some outlet to get through the day at school.
Mr. Connor had tried to talk with the other teachers. None of the other teachers would
listen. Constance would be homeschooled, but her parents were always working. Besides,
this was the only school that offered a decent education. Constance had Mr. Connor and her parents. That was all she needed.