Has anyone ever labelled
your person incorrectly?
Such as say you are shy
or that you are an introvert,
when you know deep-down,
neither is true?
People over the years
have told me at times
I am either shy. Others
think I might not be a
people person.
I don't know what is
more upsetting. The fact
that some would think and
assume false characteristics of
me, of the person saying it, that
I thought knew me.
I absolutely love people.
I enjoy meeting people. I have
no issue approaching a stranger
and striking up a conversation. There
is a difference between a people
person verses someone who is not.
There is also a difference between
someone who is an introvert or
struggles with something not
For years I have struggled
with anxiety. It angers and
saddens me when people
assume things of me that
are not true.
The truth is, I have social
anxiety. To this day I do not
know why, nor know how to
get rid of it.
It could be because of my
intense past of being bullied,
trauma, being a victim of a
stalker or genetic. Or all
of these combined.
If you are reading this
and struggle with anxiety,
you are not alone. Do not
let people label or assume
something you are not. If
someone assumes falsely of
you, then they do not know
you as well as they think they do.
Prove them wrong.
Do not let people tell you
it is all in your head. Anxiety
is very real and it is not fun. If
you do not have it, then be glad,
but do not claim it is not a real issue
either. Even though anxiety is not
seen, there are numerous effects.
I encourage you seek help,
counseling, talking to others and
even mention this secret of yours.
Furthermore, begin to pray and
search Scripture that specifically
speaks of anxiety.