Someone once asked me,
"How do you know when someone
has your heart?" At first, I did not
have an answer. However, as time
as passed, I have an answer now.
I believe it goes something like this. . .
How do you know when someone has your
heart? You know when all of your attention
is on them and only for them. A lot like in the
Twilight movie, Breaking Dawn: Part 2. When
Jacob imprints on Bella's daughter. He then
only sees her amidst of everything else. Then
all of a sudden, everything makes sense. You
come to find that this person has brought
so much to your life.
How do you know when someone has your heart?
You find yourself missing them often. Even though
you are not one to miss people often, you miss
them. In fact, you have to begin to form a new
routine of handling missing someone again.
You have to maintain your daily routines and
not allow yourself to dwell on how you are not
with this person.
How do you know when someone has your heart?
The thought of seeing them excites you. When
you see them, your heart skips a beat and your
mouth and heart both smile.
No matter how tired you are, or how bad of
a day you've had, being in their presence
instantly makes it better. Being with them
feels as if you've been rejuvenated. You
see it as a gift and privilege to just be
by their side.
You get a surge of happiness when you
are out in public and smell a familiar scent
that reminds you of them.
You know someone has your heart when
you find yourself adoring both their strengths,
weaknesses, and even their pet peeves. You
feel safe anytime they embrace you or hold
your hand. You feel as if you could hold their
hand forever, never growing tired of their touch.
You really know someone has your heart when
it is almost impossible to see a future without
them. You don't just 'want' them anymore,
but you need them, like a desert desperate
for just one drop of water.
Even though you have had other relationships
prior, this time, it feels vastly different, in every
possible way.
To care for someone is one thing, but
when it is genuinely given back to you,
it is one of the most pleasant things ever
felt. You know you have it good when it
is God ordained. It is one thing when the
world gives you someone, but when God
gives you your person, nothing can
How do you know when someone has
your heart? When you feel a thrill when
you see a vehicle that replicates theirs
and you find yourself eagerly checking
the driver seat. When you hear a motor
cycle engine and it reminds you of them.
You know you can trust them with your
whole heart. Furthermore, you feel you
can tell them anything. They make you
comfortable and make you feel heard
and seen. They help you be confident
in who you are and this only amplifies
your ability to be your whole self
around them. You no longer fear them
seeing your ugly.
How do you know when someone
has your heart? You find yourself
speechless with how things have
played out so naturally with you
and this person. How they showed
up into your life out of no where.
For the first time, you are beyond
thankful for a relationship.
To this day, you are still in awe
how something so wonderful
could be happening to you.
Especially when you feel you have
waited almost an eternity to meet
this person. Though they are not
your 'ideal' person, the two of
you couldn't compliment each
other any better.
You know someone has your heart
when you already live a good life,
God has given you much, but ever
since He placed them in your life,
it has only ignited your existence.
If only this person new everything
you've gone through to get where
you are now. If they only knew how
many times your heart and trust
have been broken over the years.
Little do they know that at one time
in your life, you no longer wanted
love. For a while, you convinced
yourself that being alone was better.
You know someone has your heart
when you only want to encourage,
support, and always be there for
them. You both help one another in
your walk with God.
For the first time ever, this is the
first relationship where they aid
you in your walk with God, rather
than pull you away. Unlike other
relationships, they help you
become a better person rather
than turn you into someone
you do not recognize.
You know someone has your heart
when you appreciate and recognize
every single little thing they do. You
cherish how they serve you, putting
you first. It is a God-honoring relationship
where both parties genuinely care for
the other. It is not a selfish love but
rather a selfless one.
Lastly, you know someone has your
heart when you trust one another.
Even when apart, deep down you know
what you two have is unwavering, un-breakable,
and constant, even though your past
relationships were always unbalanced, unsafe,
and un-predictable.
For I believe these are just a few ways
to know when someone really
has your heart.