Between squinting my eyes
from the harsh sun and studying
the sand on the shore for shark's teeth,
I found myself pretty content.
As my little brother and I
continued to imprint the sand
with our tennis shoes, waves crashed
in the background and seagulls
chirped. My attention was interrupted
as I noticed a woman.
This woman was in the
shore, by herself. I felt the
need to go out and talk
to her. I soon realized she
was an amputee.
I felt God wanted me to talk
to her, but fear started to
clutter my mind. All of these
reasons and doubts began to
flood my mind. Such as what if
she wants to be alone? What if she
is not friendly? I do not know her.
I also knew the only way to get
to her was to get in the water.
Well, that day I didn't put on swim
attire and did not want my clothes
to get wet. Plus I would have to
remove my shoes and socks.
I realized all of these
reasons were valid, but plain
excuses because I knew I would
have to go out of my way.
I still felt the strong urge that God
wanted me to talk to her. I began
to slip off my adidas and thin white
ankle socks. The lukewarm ocean
water tickled my feet and ankles.
As I entered the shore, I slowly
came around her right side,
stating how hard it was to find
sharks teeth. She agreed and began
to give me tips how to find one.
I noticed she used her palms to churn
the sand and water because most
of her fingers were gone.
We begin to hit it off and she
began to tell me her story.
My knees began to burn from
holding my weight low to the
water without getting my pants wet.
I did not want to leave or disrupt the
conversation. I knew the best thing
for me to do, was sit in the water.
In the back of my mind, I knew
I did not have any swimwear on.
Therefore, my undergarments
would get saturated, but I realized
it would be worth it.
Ms. D. was in a horrific car accident at
the age of 16. Due to severe burns,
she had to get her legs amputated
and some of her fingers as well.
The night of the accident, she also
almost lost a friend present at the
She then transitioned into bragging
about God and what all He has done
for her in her life. She said to me that
no matter what happens to us in life, it
is our decision regarding what perspective
we choose to have.
She was one of the nicest people
I had ever met in my life. Her
joy, smiles and positive attitude
were so contagious. I could've
talked to her all evening.
After a nice long discussion
about life, hobbies, God and
His word, she looked at me,
and thanked me for talking to her.
She was thrilled to meet a nice
Looking back, I am so glad
I was obedient to God. We
ended up encouraging one
another in many ways we
hadn't expected to.
I am glad I stepped out of my
comfort zone, I am glad I took the
time to just remove my shoes and
socks. Most of all, I am glad I was
willing to get sandy pants.
(the following picture is the second and last time I saw Ms D.!!)