In Highschool I did not
have the highest GPA.
School was never easy
for me academically or
I struggled making
friends at times and
always felt one step behind
the class as a whole academically.
As I approached the end
to my senior year, I was
very doubtful and not
confident in anything
about myself.
I feared I would not
get into a college.
My dream college was
Liberty University. Of course
I wanted to go because of
the spiritual mechanism, but
for other things too.
Though this was my dream,
it was not God's. Or at least
that is what I thought.
I placed my desire and
dreams in God's hands.
I wanted to go to Liberty,
but I wanted to do
God's will for my life.
The doors to Liberty got
closed and I was devastated.
I began my college life
at a small college in North
Carolina, Gardner Webb
University. Yet after a year,
I felt something missing.
I did not grow much spiritually,
academically or make a lot of
A good friend of mine
encouraged me to apply to
Liberty again, but I was
hesitant and bitter.
I worked up the courage
and applied again. When I
opened the acceptance
letter I never felt God's love
so close.
What dream do you need to give God?