Most of the time,
when it comes to
dating, the person we
are dating, will be a
reflection of us.
Say there is a farmer.
He is looking for
a life time mate.
Do you think he is
going to search for
a woman who does not
like to pull weeds and
sweat in the sun? Or
is he going to look
for a woman who
does not mind getting
dirt under her nails?
If there is a princess
who needs a mate, is
she going to look for
a prince or a regular
towns person?
If you answered the first
with the woman willing to
get dirty and then a prince
for the second question,
good job.
You might be thinking
questions like these are
simple and common sense,
but there is more to it.
For the farmer, it is not
so much about him
finding a tough woman.
Rather to find someone
with work ethic and one
who understands his lifestyle.
To be able to have someone
work along side him.
For the princess, not only
is it law for her to marry a
prince, but she needs someone
who knows how to rule a kingdom.
She needs someone with similar
experiences and awareness of
the royal life.
Everyone agrees on
the following answers.
Yet, when it comes to us
and our relationships,
we seem to fail at
applying this.
As fallen humans,
we easily settle for
less and decide to take
things that we want,
rather than what we need.
If you are dating to find
your future spouse, rather
than a game, please take
note of the tip I am about to give.
Dating is not only about
finding that person that
you want to spend the
rest of your life with.
It is about being and
becoming the person
you are searching for.
If you want someone who
is kind, giving and patient,
then you must be as well.
If the person you
are interested in lacks
traits or characteristics
that are important to you,
I strongly suggest you get
out of the relationship.
I say this because if you
do not, rather than enjoying
a marriage, you could end up
being your husband's babysitter,
rather than his spouse.
You might be thinking,
I love him too much,
and there are just small
changes that I can help him with.
Keep in mind, a pencil
can be sharpened
repeatedly. Yet, each time
that pencil is sharpened,
it gets shorter. At some point,
it will have nothing left to give.
This is the same way
when it comes to relationships.
In this day and age,
it is easier to settle.
When we settle we do
not have to wait. When we
settle, were not mocked
or made fun of.
At the end of the day
would you rather be
mocked by few, but have
an outstanding marriage?
Or focus on pleasing people,
but end up with a horrid
marriage that could
potentially end up in divorce?
My point in saying this is, things
that are worth the most, will
take time and effort. Especially
if you want a successful and
Godly relationship.
I understand being
patient is not easy.
Especially when it comes
to dating. Especially when
you look around and see
all of your friends or siblings
in a relationship, but yourself.
When your single it is
easy to doubt. You wonder
if anyone sees you. You
wonder if you are pretty or
worth anything. You might
even begin to re-think your
morals and standards as
if you ought to lower them.
These are very dangerous
thoughts. If you have certain
convictions and morals,
stick to them. If you have
not found anyone that
respects them, do not
waste your time.
I am not sitting here,
just typing away as if
this is easy. I in the past
have been in relationships
where I was tired of sitting
around and waiting. I also
have been in relationships
where I lowered both my
standards and convictions.
The only thing I got
in return, was heartache
and a big bag of guilt.
I believe relationships
have gotten harder as time
goes on because the way
in which we were raised.
First of all, not everyone
has parents who are still
Second, we live in a
world where we do not
like to wait. Plus, with
technology, in most cases we
get what we want immediately.
Lastly, the world we
live in tells us to do
whatever makes you happy
or feel good. They tell us
it is okay to make out
with your boyfriend.
They say it is okay to have
sex whether or not you have
a wedding band on.
Small things like these
are compromises whether
we admit it or not. Every time
we compromise, we are in
reality, weakening that relationship.
We tend to accept the
temporary sweets over being
patient for the eternal blessing
God has for us.
I believe that if this
generation treated
dating seriously, rather
than just a game, it could
drastically change America.
I believe it would lessen
the chances of divorce,
and the fear of commitment
along young people.
Thought of the day:
Think about what kind of person you want to date/marry. Do you daily practice
the things you are looking for?