Boundaries in relationships
are easy to dismiss
and overlook.
Yet, when we dismiss
certain boundaries
in a relationship,
they will have no
problems dismissing us.
Physical boundaries
must be established
early in a relationship,
especially if you want it
to last and please God.
It is a lot like a runner.
How does the runner
know when to stop
if he never sees a white line?
Everyone wants relationships,
whether romantic or not.
We all have that inner desire
to feel loved and wanted.
Since we are determined and
driven people, we are willing
to do whatever it takes to
get what we want.
Even if this means to
compromise against
morals and convictions.
Therefore, we need to be aware
of this and remain cautious. Due
to our sinful nature, we do
not always make the best
I have made my fair amount
of poor decisions, so I am
not pointing fingers, but rather
trying to point couples to
healthy and happy relationships.
Society in this day and age,
constantly is drilling in us
to do whatever makes us
feel good.
Not only is society
trying to win us over, but
our ultimate enemy, Satan
is always whispering in our ears.
He tells us it is okay to lie
to cover our mistake, he tells
you that you deserve that extra
drink after a stressful day at work.
He tempts us to go further
physically with our boyfriend
or girlfriends because it's not a big deal.
Regardless what we feel
and how strong we feel it,
we make a choice.
We often fool ourselves.
listening to Satan's lies
because it feels good
in the moment.
The truth is Satan wants us
to mess us up and miss out on
God's wonderful plans for our lives.
He convinces us to
enjoy life, not standing up for anything.
Most of the time,
fighting and standing
up for what is right, will
hurt and be hard now.
However, in the future
will bring much joy and victory.
When you fight for what is right
you are really doing yourself
a favor by freeing yourself
from a huge heartbreak.
Taking a stand and
holding to your convictions
is not always easy.
However, just because something
is challenging does not
mean its impossible.
God gave us the gift
and desire to love.
Unless you are called
to be single, He wants
us to enjoy being in love.
Therefore, He has given
us not a map, but tools
that we can use to make
a Godly relationship possible.
He has given us things such
as our conscious, His Word
and Godly family and friends.
These tools are powerful,
but are only effective if you
choose to pull them out of the
toolbox rather than just letting
them sit and rust.
Call to Action:
Write out a list of physical boundaries
Discuss these boundaries w/whom you are dating
Ask people you trust to hold you accountable
Have a strong reason/why you have these boundaries
If you constantly fail to withhold these physical boundaries, and it is out of control, end the relationship!
At the end of the day,
you either trust God and
want His will for your life, or you don't.
If you trust Him, you will do whatever it
takes to please Him, even if that means
for you to end a relationship.
Leaving Q:
If your current relationship
struggles to set goals and achieve
them now as a couple, what makes you
think you will be able to achieve
and handle bigger goals in the future in a marriage?