The last relationship
you were in, how
did it end?
Peaceful and happy?
Or aggressive and
Most likely,
you answered
aggressive and
Many abuse
the process of
"breaking up"
with someone.
By this, people
will begin to list
all of the wrongs
done. Some will
even begin to say
hurtful things such
as, I wish I never met you.
A lot like how
we are suppose to
date in a Godly way,
the same applies to
ending a relationship.
You heard me,
God wants us to
break up well.
It does not matter
if you initiate the
ending of the relationship
or not, we ought to use
the time to better ourselves
and the other person.
The purpose of
dating is to see if
they are marriage material.
Of course you know,
this is one of the biggest
decisions of your life.
Therefore, it is not
something to take lightly.
Nevertheless settle when
we deserve much better.
The very process
of ending a relationship,
can give you affirmation
about the relationship as
a whole. It will also tell you
a lot about an individual
and how they handle the
whole situation.
How to break up well:
Pray for guidance.
Seek wise council.
Make sure you have your emotions under control, before walking into an emotional conversation.
Show respect and listen.
Do not be afraid to be honest.
Regardless how they treat you, do not cut them down with your words.
Do not share personal information or vandalize their reputation.
*Once the relationship is over, take time for yourself. Figure out healthy ways to cope and face your emotions. This process will not be easy. Yet, it is more harmful to ignore your feelings. They will find a way to re-surface.
*Use the relationship as a lesson and move on. Do not dwell on past mistakes you
made with whom you have dated.