As I looked up, all I saw
was a sheet of clear
blue water. I studied the
creatures that swam peacefully
across the ceiling. Huge fish,
stingrays and sharks.
Next thing I know I was
in a deep pool. Rather than
the water being clear, it was
the complete opposite. I began
to study my surroundings. I
soon saw movement in the
water I was in.
When my eyes saw what they
saw, terrified me. But something
told me, these large foreign
creatures would not harm me.
Therefore, I stood my place
as I watched them swim right
by me.
They barely missed my body
as they swam by me without
a care in the world. There
were three of them. They looked
somewhat ugly, unique and strong.
They were a dark green. They had
large, long thick bodies. They had
a short thick tail that was somewhat
parted. They had tiny, dark eyes.
They were so big, they were the size
of a dinosaur. I had never seen any
creature like this before.
As the last one passed, I
slowly reached out my small
hand to stroke it. The creature
slowly slid under my fingertips.
He was so strong and large it
did not phase him.
Even though I knew they
would not harm me, I felt
relief as they swam away.
I blinked and noticed
I again somehow, changed
locations. I felt something
thin and hard under my knees.
As I looked down I was on
a paddle board. MI recall
my mother was on the board
with me.
I carefully looked over my
board into the water. This body
of water was far more large.
The water was still dirty.
Therefore, I definitely did not
want to fall in.
As I looked in the water, it
was somewhat clear enough
that I could see the bottom.
I saw thousands of the same fish.
A regular fish, but slightly bigger.
They were all one color.
Right before I felt peace again,
I immediately felt danger when I
realized there was something on
the bottom. There was a creature
that stood apart from all of the
As soon as I saw him, I
knew he was not good news.
My feelings were affirmed
when I saw him recklessly
attack and eat one of the fish.
This creature looked evil
and fear consumed me.
He too was a creature I had
never seen before. His body was
very long and thick as if an eel.
He had a large head like a dinosaur,
but in the shape of a lizard. He
had the eyes of a serpent.
The creature noticed me
glancing down at him. He
attacked a couple of other
fish with no warning,
consuming them whole.
I made eye contact with this
crature. As I starred into one of
his eyes, the color through me
off guard. One of his eyes
was dark and slightly smaller
than the other. The eye I looked
into was bigger, and a sparkling
blue. It was beautful, but I knew
his intetnoms were bad.
When we made eye contact
it felt evil. It felt as if he perivced
into my soul with a dagger,
without even touching me.
My eyes grew wide as I felt
bubbles filling the empty gaps
of my water boots. I began to feel
cool water on my knees. I frantically
glanced around my board as
I watched it be slowly covered
with water.
This creature was feared by everything,
and he knew that. He also knew he
had the upper hand when we began to
sink. My heart began to race as I glanced
at them who were on the board with me.
My mother and brother.
It terrified me to get ripped apart
by such a evil looking creature, but
my body weight weighed me down.
I knew there was nothing I could do.
I would not be able to save my family
nor myself. The gaps in my boots began to
bubble as they were being filled with
As we sank helplessly, I slowly inhaled,
closed my eyes and said, "When I am
afraid I trust in God."