The love of my life has been constant.
Before I was born, He chose me. He
knew from the beginning, I'd be His.
He loved me first, then I Him.
The thought of His unfathomable love
both flabbergasts and humbles my heart.
Especially in considering I never did anything
to deserve Him in the first place. I am a horrific
fallen human being. If anything, I have done
many things that have disappointed Him,
letting him down. Knowing this, grieves me.
I knew about Him at an early age, but
did not understand Him. However, even
when we grow close to Him, I firmly believe
we will never fully understand Him until we
are with Him in eternity. As I grew older,
many years of my life I neglected Him.
Furthermore, I saw Him as an enemy
out to get me rather than a friend. It
saddens me to say I once blamed Him
for all the bad in my life.
Overtime He has graciously helped me
to see Him in a different light. Yes He is
a zealous and righteous judge but He
is a loving God too. It is crucial we remember
both characteristics and all tributes of
His character, not only picking out
the things we like.
He has taught me that He never
intentionally wants to hurt His children.
However, trials and tribulations are a
part of life that enables us to grow
and challenge us. He has taught me to
lean on Him during the hard times and
at the end of the day, it is all
for His glory.
He is in control and I firmly believe He
places people in our lives to know and
love. I also believe there are times when
He removes us too.
His character is constant unlike the
temporary things of the life. People
will change, leave, cheat you and
disappoint you, but God never will.
He has been the one aspect of my life
that has never failed me. The times I
felt His distance was because of my
doing, not His.
I have matured into a mind of gratitude.
It mind boggles me all that He has done
for me in my life and continues to do.
It is crucial to remind yourself that if
you are a child of God, you have the
grand privilege that He will never
leave you nor forsake you.
It must also be remembered that
God never changes nor His character.
Life and circumstances will always
change but not God, for that would
be out of His character.
I love Him with my entire heart,
soul and mind and know without a
doubt He loves me. I trust Him with
my entire being.
This relationship is set apart from any
other relationship. He is the only one
who chose me, died for me, speaks to
me consistently and pursues me every
single day. We can never earn our way
into His kingdom but the least I can do
with my life is to serve Him, giving Him
all that I have. If you are one of His,
your life ought to produce fruit being
evidence you are a follower. For without
works, faith is dead.
He gave up His life for me! He rejuvenated
my soul and spirit by sending his Holy
Spirit to come live in me. As more time passes,
the more I cherish Him and His ways. He has
loved me but also corrected me, teaching me
when needed. I am His pupil and He is my
teacher, master. After all, parent who love
their children discipline them.
The Lord has been so good to me. I look
forward to being with Him. For that will
be greater than life itself. I am eternally
grateful. I find myself pondering about
His return often. I ask myself, "What will
I do when I see Him face to face?" I feel
both a rush of excitement and fear!
I feel excitement because I have known
Him for the majority of my life. It reminds
me of how we grow to love celebrities,
never seeing them in person, but to meet
them in person?! It excites me because He
created everything and He is King!
On the flip side, I feel respectful fear
because He is Lord. He is THE Lord and
He is very holy. I am far from it! He is so
righteous and good. I am nothing without
Him. We all came from dust and shall
return to it!
It saddens me to think of those who want
nothing to do with Him. Though this is a
part of His plan, they are missing out. There
are many people out there who only wish
to hurt others, reject and mock Him.
At the end of the day we make a choice.
We either live for God or Satan, there is
no other option. It is between the individual
and God Himself. Who are we to judge?
The first and last love of my life is;
the Almighty, jealous, righteous judge, a
father, friend, Alpha and Omega and the
one Holy God. There is none like Him.
For Jesus Christ was my first love and
will forever be my last. For this, I owe
Him my life. It is a joy to live for Him
and with Him. I pray you do the same.
Bible Verses: KJV
1 John 4:19
Jeremiah 1:5
Romans 3:23
Job 11:7-12
Hebrews 13:5
James 2:26
Proverbs 13:24
Genesis 3:19
Psalm 86:8-10
1 Corinthians 3:16
Romans 5:8
Ephesians 2:8-9