Glancing out the window
of the bus into the empty sky,
my mind returns to the same
question that has been revisiting
me for months.
That is, what is the purpose
of life? Every human asks
themselves this question at
at least one point in their life.
This is where we are wrong.
We are wrong because we
are asking the wrong question.
Everyone has different reasons
for living. Either way, nobody
knows but God.
Furthermore, this is an
incorrect question because
you do not have just one
purpose, but many.
Do not waste the present
time trying to figure out
that one thing you are
suppose to do. Do not
waste time trying to focus
on a certain task, career
or relationship.
Your purpose is to
give a smile to the
stranger that goes to
a broken home.
Your purpose is to
hold tight to that dear
friend as their eyes flood
with tears.
Your purpose is to
pick up that trash that
people have neglected
for weeks, leaving it to the
You do not just have one
purpose in life, but
a thousand.